Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Jada Braithwaite Essays - Gender Studies, Human Sexuality
Jada Braithwaite Essays - Gender Studies, Human Sexuality Jada Braithwaite Professor-Sharon Preiss ENG101 As time progresses, gender roles and gender stereotypes have been biased because of the way individuals view humans. This tends to occur because as human s we objectify people due to our environment , the things our parent teach us and the way we are raised , television and social media. Women are typically discriminated against in the basis of sex. Social media objectify women by showing their sexual side exploiting them, in order to improve their product and sell it to make money. In relationships men are portrayed as the bread winners and the dominant ones , while women are viewed as the house wives and care takers. Women and men in the past were slightly similar but different in some ways. In the 1900s, people were more sexist, women were treated unequally and men being the dominant gender. Back then women rarely could get a job , the only choices of jobs they had were domestic servers, secretaries, nurses, teachers, salesclerk and factory workers. They had to work inside the houses, sewing, spinning, cleaning, and gardening. Women got lower paychecks than men and only gained up to sixty percent of what men did. In many areas women were not allowe d to inherit property or money. " For as long as society existed, men have been the hunter-gathers and women have been the domestic makers" (Sargent 5) Which However women stepped up and began to reclaim their rights as citizens, the right to vote was granted and access to education. Women showed themselves to be competent workers and, civic leaders. Many women did their best in trying to maintain a degree in autonomy, some wo men often ran their own small businesses from home by trading homemade cloth or food for cash or o ther goods. However women have seem to dominate in medical fields more than men, " while women have been broken into fields once dominated by men, such as business, medicine and law, men have been slower to pursue nursing, teach preschool, or take jobs as administrative assistants. Census data and surveys show that men remain rare in stereotypically feminine positions" (Reyes 7) As for men, in the past, they were considered stronger, intelligent, courageous and determined. Men were taught to be more aggressive. In marriages men were expected to rule over their wives and all property. Most men worked in factories and did hard labor. " Men got most of the factory jobs because you know... you know, 19 th century. It was then that the "cult of true womanhood" appeared, and the idea of motherhood as full-time profession became popular and accepted." (Sargent 6) This statement reinforces the ideas about how women are objectified in only being housewife's, meanwhile men are viewed as the hard workers and providers for families. As I notice in most rela tionships women seem to be more delicate and fragile in rela tionships. While men seem to do the labor work such as fixing things in the home while the women do the chores, take care of the kids and have a typical nine to five. While men have nine t o fives , come home and do work around the house such as fixing leaks in the pipes, painting and other things. Compared to my family relationships the females and male work to together as one, the women are capable of doing anything that the men are cable of such as doing house work taking care if and taking care of the children. In my family women and men are not stereotyped we are all expected to work together as one. In conclusion in the past and the future men and women and objectified and stereotyped based on their sex, even in relationships women are portrayed to be housewife's and do those duties, however men are portrayed as the bread winners and hard workers.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Impressive Ways to Improve Your English Writing Just Sitting in Front of Genius
Impressive Ways to Improve Your English Writing Just Sitting in Front of Genius Impressive Ways to Improve Your English Writing Just Sitting in Front of Genius It’s probably debatable that a person can improve his/her English writing skills by watching a movie. Indeed, it is absolutely true that you can improve your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation by doing just that – watching TV. Not All Movies Of course, there are some movies and some Hollywood-produced films that would rather improve your usage of different cursing than will make you a master in English writing! Genius A movie that has captured the imagination recently is the Michael Grandage-directed film Genius, starring Colin Firth and Jude Law. The film is based on a story about a man called Maxwell Perkins, a book editor, and his relationship with a writer Thomas Wolfe. Both have their eccentricities, and their ideas and feelings were bound to fight with each other. It is the dialogue that makes the movie a ‘must see. Moreover, it can help improve your writing skill. Lets see how. Use of Words Her eyes were blue. So quickly did he fall for her that no one in the room even heard the sound While reading a book it is not always needed to understand everything word-for-word. Of course we picked up the fact that when one falls for somebody that it is rather emotional, but not a physical fall. Such a method made us relax that is very important when you read just for pleasure. It’s doubtful that a lot of English can be learnt just listening to Wolfe, with his southern accent, read out aloud, but the low and measured tones and pronunciation by Perkins, played by Colin Firth, should have inspired English learners to pick up a book like Look Homeward, Angel to enjoy the nuances of the English language. â€Å"Look at all these books. Do you ever stop to consider the pure man-sweat that went into each and every line?†If we talk about the academic papers, there we can also use such a method to catch the reader’s attention. But still, there are some kinds of papers, where you have to omit such informal expressions. Using the Terms While the movie should not be taken as an English vocabulary lesson, budding English learners would have no doubt been enchanted by the use of particular words that were used during the film. For example the usage of ‘man-sweat’ instead of saying ‘hard work’. â€Å"Think back in the caveman days, our ancestors would huddle around the fire at night and wolves would be howling in the dark, just beyond the light. And one person would start talking. And he would tell a story, so we wouldnt be so scared in the dark.†You should understand that all writing is about telling a story. The Real Way They Speak Wà °tÃ' hÃ'â€"ng movies Ã'â€"Ã'• a great wà °Ã'Æ' for you to Ã'â€"mÃ'€rà ¾và µ your English, à µÃ'•Ã'ۈ µÃ' Ã'â€"à °llÃ'Æ' Ã'Æ'à ¾ur lÃ'â€"Ã'•tà µnÃ'â€"ng à °nd Ã'•Ã'ۈ µÃ °kÃ'â€"ng skills. FÃ'â€"lmÃ'• are not uÃ'•uà °llÃ'Æ' Ã' rà µÃ °tà µd fà ¾r English language là µÃ °rnà µrÃ'• thà µÃ'Æ' à °rà µ mà °dà µ for nà °tÃ'â€"và µ EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h Ã'•Ã'ۈ µÃ °kà µrÃ'•. Therefore, thà µ là °nguà °gà µ Ã'â€"Ã'• exactly hà ¾w Ã'Æ'à ¾u can hear Ã'â€"t Ã'â€"n the real lÃ'â€"fà µ it is Ã'•Ã'ۈ ¾kà µn quickly, wÃ'â€"th nà °tÃ'â€"và µ à °Ã' Ã' à µnt à °nd Ã'€rà ¾nunÃ' Ã'â€"à °tÃ'â€"à ¾n, full of idioms à °nd Ã' à ¾lloquÃ'â€"à °l expressions. English Writing It is a definitely great idea for all English language Ã'•tudà µntÃ'• tà ¾ wà °tÃ' h films Ã'â€"n EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h Ã'â€"n thà µÃ'â€"r spare time fà ¾r additional Ã'€rà °Ã' tÃ'â€"Ã' à µ thà °t they might not gà µt in the classroom. You can even use movies instead of an English writing online course to enlarge your knowledge without wasting money.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Social Aspects of Alcohol Uses Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Social Aspects of Alcohol Uses - Research Paper Example According to the report findings to some people in the society, the preference they give alcohol exceeds that of food. On certain occasions, a number of men and women in today’s societies have lost their lives because of excessive alcohol consumption. Consequently, the increasing need for what is commonly referred as ‘liquid refreshment’ is becoming a major influence on community’s evolution. Many societies consider the drinking behavior as important for the entire social order. Nonetheless, for a modern complex society that has subgroups of people with different ages, the pattern that each group reflects special distinctiveness and the society’s cultural frame. Therefore, the drinking cultural practice ranges from keen immersion to complete rejection.This study discusses that in many societies, people drink to celebrate, relax, and to socialize. However, its consumption has a strong effect and may vary differently from every user. Conversely, a n umber of factors determine how an individual may act under the influence of alcohol. These factors include; age, health status, frequency of drinking, amount of alcohol consumed, and the family history. Many people from different societies reason that drinking alcohol in itself is not a problem but drinking excess alcohol may have negative consequences. Also, a variety of risks associated with excess alcohol consumption may result. When both the youth and the old consume alcohol, it enters the bloodstream, and the effects can be felt after about ten minutes of consumption. The concentration of alcohol increases in the body as one continues to consume more alcohol.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Family assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Family assessment - Essay Example Moreover, the house is adequately spacious with every member of the family enjoying his/her own personal space. The family owns a dog. The house has a solar water-heating panel with fixed air conditioners. The family does not own any firearm. The house is equipped with smoke detector equipment in virtually all rooms. There are three fire extinguishers in the house. One is located in the living room, one in the corridor downstairs, and the other one in the corridor upstairs. All the medication is kept in the bathroom shelves while other chemicals and cleaning agents are safely kept in the store located in the garage. The windows and doors of the house are firmly protected with system locks that are synced with a sophisticated security system. The house has one emergency exit at the rear end of the building. The Andersons own a family van that aids in their transportation. They exercise road safety by emphasizing on good practices like fastening of seatbelts. All the family members are satisfied with the level of security in their homes. Every family faces a number of challenges. These challenges arise from the complex nature of relationships within the family setting (Duvall, 1962). The Andersons are a very small family comprising of two parents, father and mother, and a daughter. Both parents are employed and have day jobs and subsequently provide for the needs of the family. A number of roles exist that either mutually shared by each family member or left exclusively to another member. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are responsible for catering to the emotional needs of their daughter Vivian. They are tasked with the objective of providing counseling sessions and emotional support to their daughter in order to prevent instances of emotional stress. Moreover, both parents provide each other with emotional support in times of emotional stress resulting from various undertakings. No overlap in the emotional needs existed where one family member’s
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Childhood Obesity Essay Example for Free
Childhood Obesity Essay Childhood obesity has increased over the years due to genetics, environment, and cultural. There may be a combination of these factors that contribute to the widespread epidemic that is affecting our country today. Most people never take the time to figure out the problem and come up with a solution. Obesity is caused by lack of physical activity, poor eating habits, and genetics. In order to escape the recurring disease; some changes need to be made. Obesity is when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and weight. The problem is that children are becoming more obese. Understanding the causes of childhood obesity would be most beneficial in addressing the problem. While playing video games and watching television children have a tendency to want to snack. There is nothing wrong with it, but they need to go outside and play afterwards. They aren’t burning off any calories. Moderate intense regular physical activity is essential for the prevention of overweight and obesity (Raj 2010). Children should engage in some type of physical activity daily. Kids are more apt to do activities if they think of it as fun. Children should be prescribed physical activity that is safe, developmentally appropriate, interesting, and practical and has a social element (Raj 2010). Genetic makeup plays a role in obesity. There is considerable evidence to suggest that, like height, weight is a heritable trait (Sadaf Farooqi 2007). Having obese family members can very well have a lot to do with obesity in children. A recent article reported an odds ratio of 4 for the development of childhood obesity when there is a family history of obesity (Signorino Winter 2008). White adipose tissue (WAT) is the principal target tissue in obesity (Mitchell 2009). The environment in which one lives in can have something to do with becoming obese. Environmental risk factors for overweight and obesity are very strong and inter-related (Raj Kumar 2010). The food choices children intake should be monitored. The amount of a food should be monitored as well. Children have tendency to want to eat foods that are high in fat. Children and adolescents of poor socio-economic status tend to consume less quantities of fruits and vegetables and to have a higher intake of total and saturated fat (Raj Kumar 2010). There are risk and complications that come along with being obese. Being obese you run the risk of have cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Obesity significantly contributes to morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease (Raj Kumar 2010). Not only are there risks, but obesity affects a child’s self-esteem. Obese children are a target for being bullied and picked on. They tend to feel worthless about themselves. Their perception of themselves becomes damaged. It can sometimes affect their grades. Obesity can be managed and controlled with the right treatment and diet. For successful obesity management, the child should be assessed and treated by a multidisciplinary team, including a physician, dietitian, exercise expert, nurse and behavior therapist (Nowicka 2005). With that said, with the right treatment a child who is obese can get help. The ultimate goal is to bring the weight down to where it should be. Eating the right amount as well as the right foods helps with dropping weight. Eating out is a quick fix and should be cut down to a minimum. There should be a plan for healthier snacks, balanced diet, and adequate intake of more fruits and vegetables to avoid high calorie/high fat foods. Obesity in children often leads to obese teenagers who then become obese adults. Health as well as self esteem is often compromise when dealing with the lives of obese children and adults. Identifying and managing obesity in childhood is pertinent in slowing this epidemic down before it is too late to do anything about it. Reference Farooqi, S. (2007). Insights from the Genetics of Severe Childhood Obesity. Hormone Research, 68(S5), 5-7. doi:10. 1159/000110462 Mitchell, G. A. (2009). Genetics, physiology and perinatal influences in childhood obesity: view from the Chair. International Journal of Obesity, 33S41-S47. doi:10. 1038/ijo. 2009. 16 Nowicka, P. (2005). Dietitians and exercise professionals in a childhood obesity treatment team. Acta Paediatrica. Supplement, 94(s448), 23-29. doi:10. 1080/08035320510035537 Raj, M. , Kumar, R. (2010). Obesity in children adolescents. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 132(5), 598-607. Signorino, M. R. , Winter, W. E. (2008). Childhood Obesity and Diabetes. Current Medical Literature: Diabetes, 25(1), 1-16
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Docking With Mir :: essays research papers
Docking With Mir Last year something amazing took place, but it wasn't in a laboratory. It wasn't under the ocean, and it wasn't on the land. It was in space. The docking of the United States's Space Shuttle Atlantis and the Russian Space Station Mir was an important step towards international cooperation in space. This is not the first time the U.S. has been in contact with Russia in space matters. In 1965, an American Apollo capsule and a Russian Soyuz module were locked in orbital tango 245 miles above the earth, both crews tense with the feeling of peace and rivalry at the same time. In the past few years, American astronauts have used the Russian training facility at the Cosmodrome to prepare for work on the Mir space station. We couldn't give up the hope of peace and freedom. Â Â Â Â Â Launch Day had arrived; June 29, 1995. During launch and ascent, there wasn't much to think about except the thrill of the ride. Then the tension rose. In less than thirty-six hours, they would have to close a gap of four thousand miles at an altitude of 245 miles while traveling at 17,500 miles per hour, only to have to move within three inches and two degrees of a quickly moving, very fragile object in space. One small thrust of a poorly aligned engine could cost one of four space-worthy shuttles and the world's first and only long-term space station. Â Â Â Â Â Docking was over with soon, and was followed by the cosmonauts of Mir greeting the astronauts of Atlantis. Gifts of flowers, candy and fruit were given by the Americans, who in return, following a Russian tradition, received gifts of bread and salt. Knowing the importance of the mission, the Russians, as well as the Americans, forced the good nature of the mission to be seen. After an exchange in the crew of Mir, Atlantis disengaged the docking clamps, and returned home. Â Â Â Â Â This mission was important to the future of the conquest of space, for the American scientists need help with the design of the planned International
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Political Analysis on China Essay
China has been under the communist party rule for many decades. The communist party exercises absolute power over legislations and economic and cultural institutions. China rules and regulations are not so transparent or absolute. Due to lack of transparency and corruption the social network with the people from the communist party can help the business avoid red tape and bureaucracy. A political risk refers to government interference in the business affairs of foreign persons or companies doing business in a particular country.China is particularly hazardous with respect to political risk. In fact this has occurred in china in 1949. There are the risk of confiscation, risk of expropriation, and risk of contract repudiation.A unique form of political risk occurs in china, and this is the constant battle between the country’s central government and the provincial and local governments over applicable law, and observance or non-observance of it. This makes it difficult for companies operating in China to know exactly what the rules are. Other Political risk of China are as follows- 1) Political Effectiveness- Political effectiveness is actually not very effective in china as compared to other countries. Barely anyone bothers to call the police and they be easily bribed. Road laws are not enforced and thus there is a high rate of accidents in China with the way they drive. The government is even less confident than outside observers regarding their nation’s political stability. 2) Institutional Stability- Corruption still plays a huge role in China. They believe that profit comes first and mostly for personal reasons. At first it was only the Chinese Communist Party who took control in 1949. Later the other branches such as the Judicial Branch came into power in 1980. 3)Currency inconvertibility – The import and export business exchange currencies in either USD or RMB. Only certain worldwide currencies can be exchanged in China, other than that they use the RMB. 4) Honest Government- There are many cases known to justify corruption among government officials. Policies and laws are not solid or stable in China, therefore everything is negotiable. The CPI ratings of China are 3.5 this year. This looks bad compared to the United States and Canada. 106,000 officials were prosecuted for corruption in 2009 which was a 2.5% increase from 2008. With China’s growing economy, it will only get worse. Minimizing Political Risk- For minimizing political risk we should understand the importance of social networks and their relationship. It is a challenging process for a company to recruit the right people with the appropriate network to overcome these challenges. Legal System- For thousands of years, the Chinese legal system was based on Confucian ideology that emphasized ethics and relationships between the people and their leaders. China does not technically have an independent judiciary or a legal system that operates outside the influence of the ruling Chinese Communist Party. In fact, China’s lack of an independent judicial system. Legal and Regulatory Risk Regulatory risk in China is high. Although many sectors of China’s economy have become more market oriented, numerous restrictions and a massive bureaucracy still hinder full implementation of regulations and make the approval process unpredictable. China’s Judicial System- Using China’s judicial system also involves risk. Because of China’s WTO membership and growing pressure from foreign investors for greater transparency and rule of law, China increasingly recognizes overseas arbitration awards and rulings. It is, however, still risky for companies to rely solely on the PRC judicial system to protect their interests. Similarly, China’s accession to the WTO has brought with it the inclusion of international business laws and patent rights amendments, but even today it is common to see technology being stolen either by the employees of the outsourced firm in China or by a Chinese competitor in the country. Protection from foreign Currency Earning Enterprises- The cost of doing business in China is frequently higher than companies expect. These issues, coupled with a recent rise in policies aimed at protecting domestic companies from foreign competition especially in engineering and construction, legal services, and bankingâ€â€create risks and obstacles that few foreign companies are aware of until too late. Minimizing Legal Risk- Hence western companies that plan to outsource manufacturing to China should be aware of these legal challenges. One way of preventing these issues is to have a strong network with the locals or to make sure that sensitive technology is not outsourced to China. Cultural Challenges China has evidenced thousands of years of history, culture and traditions. The way Chinese people behave today is the result of its historical transformations, which is very different from the transformations witnessed by western societies. Hence the modern day Chinese culture is very different from the cultures of the west. The cultural aspects of the Chinese are immensely reflected in the business world, for example, A CEO in the western world is normally looked upon as a consensus builder or as an individual who debates and discusses strategies with their employees and then executes the strategy, whereas in China the leader is looked upon as the sole decider and executor of strategies. There is a strict hierarchy in the Chinese business culture, which is very different from the business culture of some of the west countries. So to run a successful wholly owned outsourcing unit in China, the western businessmen need to understand and overcome these cultural chal lenges. Challenges in Scale and Demographics China is a vast country with a massive population, Western businesses are often at awe about China and think that the 1.3 billion people could become a large customer base, but in reality China is a complex market. 850 million people in China live in the impoverished countryside; their life is harsh, uncertain and poor.536 million people live in the urban areas out of which 247 million people are considered middle class and have an expendable income. The middle class earns over $5000 per head over the period of a year, but one must also consider the fact that the Chinese are the largest savers in the world unlike some western countries such as the US where the consumers have massive spending power and a culture that promotes spending. Hence for a western company to succeed they need to understand these Demographic differences. Challenges related to market behaviour The Chinese market is unique in many aspects, many western companies have tried to sell their product as-is in the Chinese market and failed miserably, and these are not some small unknown brands but large mega brands that have been successful for many decades and different markets. To be recognized as a brand in China, one need to market and advertise the Chinese way, marketing and branding in China should carry a strong Chinese Cultural overtone to be successful in the mainland. Successful western companies such as Google and eBay have failed to become market leaders in China. The lesson learnt from the failure of these companies is that they â€Å"did not understand the localization factor†Therefore for the long run, western companies should â€Å"Think Chinese but act western†and sell the right product at the right price to be successful in the Chinese market. Economic instability & Trade policy Challenges China is the world’s second largest economy and is among the fastest growing economies of the world. When western companies move to China they have to consider the economic stability of the country and prepare themselves for the various risks due to changes in fiscal policy, monetary policy, trade policy and other macro economic factors. China’s economy is mostly dependent on exports from the manufacturing industry and foreign economists suggest that the Yuan is undervalued by as much as 40%. Hence a Change in the Yuan can impact the profitability of the western business. Due to high economic growth there has been a strong demand for semi and highly skilled labour all over China. The labour costs have steadily increased over the last 5 years and the government has increased the minimum wage level. This will impact operating costs in China and hence a western company planning to operate in China will have to factor in this r isk. In summary western enterprises need to be aware of macroeconomic risks before they start their operations in China or face the possibility of failure.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Rushil Surapaneni
Computers eave led to space exploration, new designs of vehicles and other forms of transportation, increase in entertainment industry, and revolutionized medical and biological sciences to address healthcare issues. The Television ; Became commercially available in an experimental basis in the late sass, popularized greatly after World War II and has become commonplace in homes, businesses, and institutions. ; Serves in many instances as the primary vehicle for entertainment, advertising, and news. ; During the sass, television became the primary medium for molding public opinion and continues to do so today.The Telephone First patented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell and further developed by many others; the telephone was the first device in history that enabled people to talk directly with each other across large distances. ; Became indispensable to businesses, government, and households, today some the of most ; and Has are fostered whole-wheat indwell used small appliances. Inv entions as both the cellular phone and the internet are a result Of the telephone system. ; Telephone has changed our mindset to a more complex way of thinking and continues to impact us as we move into the 21st century. The Logic Behind theSelections Overall, it came down to what saw was most practical and necessary for society and the modern world to exist the way it does today. Believe that the inventions chose revolutionized the socioeconomic standing of society to the point that allowed for radical changes in thought and ideology to take place due to these inventions. See the inventions of this world allowing for society to not only grow in the present but also further advance into the future as they can be tinkered with to better optimize the potential of humankind in the long-run, whether it be technologically, socially, or economically.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Pardoners Tale Essays - The Canterbury Tales, The Pardoners Tale
Pardoner's Tale Essays - The Canterbury Tales, The Pardoners Tale Pardoner's Tale The Pardoner's Tale: Deception and Foolishness There are several types of foolishness being described in the Pardoner's Tale itself. He describes gluttony in general, then specifically wine. He talks of gambling, taking bets and the like, and of swearing. The exemplum of his sermon describes three fools who go foolishly seeking death, then find it in a large amount of gold. Deception is another topic addressed by the Pardoner: he comes right out and says that he is a con artist, and that he is out to take people's money. In his tale, deception by the rioters leads to the death of all three. These are good points, but there is another deception the Pardoner plays, and gets caught: his sermon is a direct chastisement of the Host, who is not pleased by this. As a whole, Chaucer effectively uses this character of The Pardoner to point out some of the more foolish and deceptive aspects of other characters in the Tales as well. In the beginning, the Narrator describes The Pardoner in some quite undesirable terms. His is the characterization that comes closest to making a judgement call - in most cases, the judgement is left to the reader. Yet, I trowe he were a gelding or a mare, is hardly non-judgmental (97.693). The Narrator also spends a bit of time describing the different relics and showing the truth of what each relic really is; however, there is a point in his negative description of both the physical and moral aspects of this character. The Pardoner represents the Ugly Truth. The Knight is grand, the Wife is pretty, but the Pardoner is downright ugly. He is also the only pilgrim to acknowledge his shortcomings - he knows he is a con artist and liar, and in his tale's prologue freely admits this in both words and actions. The Pardoner then proceeds with the tale itself, which is a deception as well. In the sermon, he describes gluttony in detail, and defines it as not just overeating, but the intense pleasure of doing so. He also denounces wine, with graphic examples of drunkenness. He discusses the negative merits of swearing and cursing. Then, he closes the sermon itself with a condemnation of gambling. There are several things going on here. The first, most obvious hypocrisy is that before telling this tale, the Pardoner insisted on stopping at an inn for food and beer. He is also partaking in a bet - he who tells the best story wins. However, there is another level. This sermon is retaliation to the Host, who just before asking the Pardoner to speak has been cursing and talking about using beer as medicine to mend his broken heart. It can be suspected that the Host is drunk, as well. However, when addressing the Pardoner, the Host intentionally insults him: 'Thou bel ami, thou Pardoner,' he saide, / 'Tel us som mirthe or japes right anon (165.30-31). The Pardoner, being of rather quick wit, replies: 'It shal be doon,' quod he, 'by Saint Ronion' (165.33). The reference to St. Ronion is a possible play on runnion, which is possibly defined as a sexual joke (165, footnote 8). Thus, the Host has rather offended the Pardoner, who calls a stop at an inn to think upon som honeste thing w hil that I drinke (165.40). This exchange is picked up once again after The Pardoner's Tale is done. Several things from the Tale upset the Host. He is the owner of a tavern, encouraging food and drink. He himself likes to partake of these things. He also swears quite readily, and from the General Prologue, we know the Host was the one to propose the storytelling game in the first place. So, at the end of the Pardoner's Tale, when the Pardoner suggests that our Hoste shal biginne, / For he is most envoluped in sinne (178.653-654), it is in direct response to the insult at the beginning of the Pardoner's turn to tell a Tale. This nearly starts a physical fight - the intervention of the Knight prevents this infighting from progressing further. The Pardoner's sermon, while perhaps aimed at the Host, also describes much of the rest of the pilgrimage. After all,
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Sample Back to School Night Agenda
A Sample Back to School Night Agenda Back to School Night is your opportunity to make a strong, positive first impression on your new students parents. Time is short, but theres a lot of information to cover so its important to make a schedule of Back to School Night activities and follow it as closely as possible. That way, you can feel confident that you will address all of the most important points, while the parents will get all of their questions answered in a friendly and orderly manner. Sample Back to School Night Schedule Use the following sample schedule of Back to School Night activities as a road-map of key points you might want to cover during your own presentation. Distribute (or display via presentation) the evenings agenda so that parents know what to expect.Briefly introduce yourself, including your educational background, teaching experience, interests, and a few friendly pieces of personal information.Give an overview of the scope and sequence of the curriculum you will be covering with the students over the course of the school year. Show textbooks and give a thumbnail sketch of what the students will know by the end of the year.Describe a typical day in your classroom as exhibited through the daily schedule. Be sure to mention which days of the week are for special activities such as physical education class or visiting the library.Mention a few important dates in the school calendar, perhaps the major vacation dates, field trips, assemblies, carnivals, etc.Review the classroom and school rules and procedures. Consider asking the parents to sign a slip that indicates their agreement to the classroom rules and corresponding consequences.T ell the parents about opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. Be specific about what you need and what various jobs entail. Let them know where the volunteer sign-up sheet is located. Allow a few minutes for the parents to ask you questions in a whole group setting. Only take time to answer questions that apply to all or most of the students. Child-specific questions should be addressed in a different format.Distribute your contact information, how you prefer to be contacted, and how the parents can expect to hear from you on a weekly or monthly basis (class newsletter, for example). Introduce the Room Parent, if applicable.Let the parents meander around the classroom for a few minutes, exploring bulletin boards and learning centers. You can even conduct a quick scavenger hunt for a fun way for parents to explore the classroom. And remember to encourage them to leave a little note for their children.Smile, thank everyone for coming, and relax. You did it!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Leadership Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leadership Analysis - Essay Example This happens to be the informal power structure that might at times demonstrate as exercising extreme influence compared to the formal one (Miller, 2008). Any chief nursing officer exercising formal power in a health care centre tends to apply it on a day to day basis within the process of performing its work (Fairholm, 2009). However, the informal normally apply it when it fits their own interest. This leaves a person wondering what this thing called power refers to; apparently, this is a person’s control or influence on the behavior of other persons with or without their approval (Fairholm, 2009). In other words, this is the ability of having a say within organizational doings directly or indirectly, thereby serving the interests of an individual or a group (Miller, 2008). Therefore, power happens to be an inherent element in any health care, which features significantly within the process of decision making. Owing to their work relationships, some chief nursing officers are capable of exercising excessive level of power of their formal job description (Morgan, 2006). Health care centers normally have an organizational chart listing the relationship, as well as ranks of positions in the organization (Fairholm, 2009). ... nts, charisma and characteristics of the health care center’s individual members thus becoming the informal heads of the organization (Miller, 2008). In this case, they tend to play a significant task in the efficacy of the health care, since they might at times exert more power compared to the formal authorities. Therefore, it is essential for the chief nursing officer to acknowledge these individuals early and by ensuring that they get utilized in benefitting the organization (Fairholm, 2009). Informal power is intrinsic in all health care centers while playing a significant background role within the smooth functioning or even the interference of that organization (Fairholm, 2009). It is necessary for the management to comply with the fact that formal power might on many occasions be submissive to informal power. Apparently, this is a realism that has to be recognized importantly, directed for the organization’s benefit. There is a need to empower the chief nursing o fficer so as he or she can assume management roles from the transition to the hierarchical model this is a demonstration of their professional growth, as well as development (Higgs, 2008). At every unit level, it is essential to lobby new leadership thereby allowing staff at this level to continue doing peer review, together with unit-based council management in regards to unit governance issues. Considering that our leader, who is also the chief nursing officer, has guided his department ahead while, within the throes of the present chaos in health care, he has developed, while, at the same time, used his power basis, both formal and informal, as an individual while also as a leader (Higgs, 2008). Luckily, he has clinical expertise i.e. expert power, which makes him a member of the executive team in
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