Thursday, October 31, 2019
Discuss the different outlooks and experiences of Native Americans and Essay
Discuss the different outlooks and experiences of Native Americans and the Spanish Conquistidors during the colonial period of american history - Essay Example For the Indians part, the arrival of the Spaniards was originally thought to be the return of a god, Quetzalcoatl. This is indicated in many reports by the Spanish that tend to highlight the naivetà © of the Indians, but is also mentioned in the written record of the Indians: â€Å"It was as if he [Motecuhzoma] thought the new arrival was our prince Quetzalcoatl. This is what he felt in his heart: He has appeared! He has come back! He will come here, to the place of his throne and canopy, for that is what he promised when he departed!†(Leon-Portilla, year). However, while the Spanish insisted that this impression was long-lasting, the Indians themselves indicate that they quickly understood that this was not the god they had expected. While those in Tenochititlan understood this as the Spaniards proceeded to burn all their sacred treasures with eyes filled with greed, the Cibola tribes and other plains tribes similarly could not submit their own religious beliefs and lives t o the greed and domination of the Spaniards. For their part, the Spanish seem not to have been completely unsympathetic to the plight of the Indians that had been encountered. Juan Jaramillo (1896) describes his expedition with some detail, indicating highly practical Indian populations who had not only two-story houses, but innovative constructions such as hot rooms built underground against the chill of the winters and the hide-covered constructions (teepees) that others used as a means of portable housing to follow the herds of buffalo. While he does not indicate these people were rich by any means, he does indicate that they were courteous, welcoming and content with their lives upon their first encounter. However, investigations into reports of â€Å"cruelties†committed by the Spaniards turned out an interview of Juan Troyano, whose testimony seemed somewhat puzzled as to why the Indians would not immediately and peacefully surrender everything they
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Issue analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Issue analysis paper - Essay Example The act was to be financed within the next ten years for it to be fully operational to help those who are unable to insure as depicted by the health act. As a result, millions of people will benefit from employment based insurance coverage than in the absence of Affordable Care Act (ACA).The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the government budget and effects for the ten years. The Affordable Care Act will be financed thus delivering a devastating analysis of the inefficiencies and problematic social costs of Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act still faces opposition from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) since the key selling point of Affordable Care Act was to cover a significant number of above 30 million Americans who lacked it. As per today, the CBO is out criticizing the Affordable Care Act in America that within a decade, 6 million people will not be given health care insurance from their companies or from the employers due to Affordable Care Act (john 45). This makes the Americans to see as if the act was politically passed so as only target a certain group of Americans and segregating those who can be able to acquire the insurance coverage. The estimated expenditure of Affordable Care act will be about $2 trillion within the next 10 years meaning that there would be disruption of the United States medical system since the federal government will not be able to achieve the objectives, of providing coverage to 30 million Americans. The Congressional Budget Office maintains that within the ten years the same number of 30 million Americans will lack insurance as before since the Affordable Care Act will collapse within the next 5 years. Another opposing idea of the ACA is that the poor people will get subsidies and after they achieve certain level of compensation then the subsidy will disappear when one reaches a higher pay level. Basing their
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Existing Communication Processes Used Within Business Information Technology Essay
Existing Communication Processes Used Within Business Information Technology Essay In todays world survival of organizations depends on communication between employees. When means of communication is not proper the structure of organization collapse. In multinational organizational, communication structure is a series of path through which messages flow. This channel is basically series of steps through which organization communicates with employees. The types of organizational communication structure are Formal and Informal. Through theses structure employee communicates through entire organization. A formal communication structure uses proper channels for information to flow between different levels of organization. The further categories in a formal communication are Downward Communication, Upward Communication, and Lateral Communication. Upward is a communication from junior to senior such as from front line managers to decision makers of organization. Downward is a communication between senior level management with junior level management e.g. CEO transfers its message to accounts department head. Lateral Communication means communication between peers e.g. finance head transfers report to accounts head. An informal communication structure used free communication medium that are not particularly used for organizational information. This includes communication through the grapevine which is the flow of information from one employee to another without any specific manner as a result the end form of information distorted and becomes no more reliable. This is fastest but not at all a reliable means of communication and creates misunderstandings in organization and sometimes severs panic to. An example would be finding co-worker for specific information on issue. Opportunistic Communication happens when employee sees someone and remembers to discuss issue such as passing co-worker in hallway and remembering something. Spontaneous Communication occurs between two people by chance that starts a conversation such as two employees out for a drink see a news report about an issue they are dealing with at work and they start to talk about it. Other classification of organization communication is in two main heads which are Interpersonal communication and Impersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is in between two people e.g. Boss and salesmen, accounts head and finance head, salesmen and employee. Impersonal communication is also called mass communication which is a communication between individual to a massive bulk or audience e.g. CEO of company doing speech after AGM to employees for declaration of bonus. In multinational organization all types of communication take place this is because a multinational organization is wide spread organization with lots of branches in different countries employing different people of all type of culture and nature so every kind of communication is necessarily required. 1.2: Implement changes to the communication system of a multi-national business in order to enhance its efficiency. Effective communication is a key way of success in a multinational organization. But not every multi national organization has effective communication system. In order to make a communication effective different steps can b taken some of them are discussed below: 1. Use Multiple Channels for Organizational Communication Main point in effective communication is medium and using one medium for proper communication of message is not at all safer way. This will result in loss of lots of information. So in order to avoid this problem more then one medium must b used to ensure that message is received by the receiver I its original form and positive acknowledgment is achieved. These multiple effective channels include meetings, face-to-face talks, e-mail, faxes, telephone conversations, bulletins, postings, and memos. The way is adopted to make sure you always use multiple methods to communicate your message, and remove your tension with 100% efficiency guaranty. 2. Make Important Messages Repetitive Along with multiple channels, organizational communication can b improved by sending important message again and again so that all the employees give most efficient result. 3. Focus on Listening Listening is a major element in one to one communication. Without proper listening of message neither we can interprets message in its full meaning nor give positive feedback which mean whole communication process got ruined if message is not listened properly. The reason behind this cause is that we are not at all active listeners. This problem can be resolve by using reflective listening skills, understanding nonverbal cues, focusing more on communicators words instead of preparing message first. The motto for this purpose must b no more talking, just listing. 4. Get Your Message across After completion of message by communicator the next step taken by the communicator is to make sure that message is communicated exactly in the same meaning and context as he wants the audience to understand. This cans b done by openly asking the receiver about the message and using the same words again and again and he must satisfy only if he gets positive feedback. 5. Use of modern technologies Using of new technologies like multimedia, email, video conferencing etc are important ways of conveying message. 6. Handle Communication Problems Last but not the least in order to make communication effective at large level the organization must have such people which quickly overcome problem that come across during communication and make communication effective and useful for organization. 1.3: Explain how communication can be divided into discreet stages. Communication is the sharing or exchange of thought by oral, written, or nonverbal means. In order to make communication effective, managers must have communication skills to apply their strategic plans properly. These skills include nonverbal, presentational, or written skills as the manager communicates others, present ideas in meetings, or prepares reports or those higher on the organizational ladder. Different Levels of communication: Following are the ways in which communication process can b divided into different discreet levels. UPWARD AND DOWNWARD COMMUNICATION Information, the backbone of any organization, needs to flow effectively. Successful management requires downward communication to subordinates in order to provide them all necessary information for the achievement of all goals of organization, upward communication to superiors is required so that upper level management can keep an eye on all the matters of organization and can also see whether work is going on as per their plans or not their employees are working as per their expectations any problem between employees can b recognized and solved before it get worst, and horizontal communication to peers in other divisions so that each department knows the condition of other department and can plan their strategies in coordination with them . For example getting a task done by way of delegation is just one point of the managers job. Obtaining the information to do that job, informing others about it and coordinating with others are also important skills. These skills keep the organization working, and increase the visibility and importance of the manager and her division, thus ensuring him that his position is strong and support of employees under him is with him and promotion is also expected. Downward communication is far ahead than passing on information to subordinates and employees on front line. It may involve managing and soothing the tone of the message, as well as showing skill in passing on the jobs to ensure the job is done effectively and efficiently by the right hands. E.g. e-mail from a team leader to the members of the team, remanding him of the next coming deadline, duty to prepare financial statements is given to moa then an engineer etc In upward communication, tone is most important, along with timing, strategy, and audience adaptation. Upward communication keeps managers aware of how employees feel about their jobs, coworkers, and the organization in general. Managers also rely on upward communication for ideas on how things can be improved. When there is upward and downward communication then question arise that why their is need of horizontal communication? The answer to this question is that horizontal communication is often necessary to save time and to facilitate subordinates. In some cases this communication is sanctioned formally. More often, they are crated informally to short circuit the vertical hierarchy and expedite action. 1.4: Examine the issues with mass communication when handling larger number of employees. Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language. Mass communication is a communication type in which a sender distributes messages to many people simultaneously. Mass communication is the term used to describe the academic study of the various means by which individuals and entities relay information through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time. In mass communication, the communicator keeps his communication in front of a mass is such easy words and sentences, which they can understand easily. Mass is the term used to for group of people in front of whom the communicator presents his words? We are discussing mass communication at organization level. It may be a boss communicating to his employees. Mass communication is common in multinational companies, business giants and companies operating at large scale. There are many issues in mass communication while handling large number of employees. It is very difficult to handle a large number of employees with different mind filters, perception, education level and cultures. It is not easy for a communicator to interact with the mass so easily. First of all there is a selection problem of an appropriate channel of media for the mass communication. Different communication media can b used but which one is suitable depends on the situation e.g. In a multinational organization introducing a new product and project manager is giving presentation to all the employees starting form top management to front line management for such presentation a proper microphone system along with large screen multimedia is necessary. The media u select is important for checking the effectiveness of your message through mass communication. All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values the perception of employees differs from person to person in an organization. There is a different point of view to every thing. Each employee takes message in his own perception. Every one has his own way of thinking and its not possible that everyones thinking will match with one to another. So communication does not mean to put your words in front of the people it has other side also is to see their point of views whether message is communicated in its proper context and this is done by feedback . This concept is the base of successful communication. But in Mass communication feedback at such a large level is not possible so communicator is not sure whether he succeeded in achieving its motive or not. The next issue which can arise in mass communication is senders ability to communicate in large mass of audience. If he has excellent and remarkable skills to communicate a message to a big audience, he can win the objective of communication. But a person with weak communicating power will himself make the communication fail. The trust factor is highly involved in mass communication. It is the major issue whiling handling it. If the employees have no trust in you, in your words, then how a message can and objective can be achieved. Give employees a reason to trust you, and keep that trust by sticking to your word and fulfilling your promises. One has to learn to run the obstacle race. It is not that one can jump every obstacle successfully the first time. Learn from your mistakes, get expertise and in this way we can handle all issues of mass communication. 1-5: Write about how culture and gender can change the meaning of communication for different groups of people. When we talk about group of people it includes people of different genders, age, culture, society and perception. In an organization people of all taste are there and it is difficult to manage a message in such a way that the actual objective of senior management can b achieved. This is so because if in an organization there are 100 employees its mean there are 100 different thoughts. Following points explain the impact of variety of people on communication: Interpretationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Every person has its own style to think and to judge a specific situation. Different people with different ages and with different culture see things in different manner e.g. a person may take a narrow deadline as a burden other as a challenge. Difference in gender has strong impact on interpreting a thing. Females always take a situation with much pain and stress as compare to males. Handling stress is easier for a male then a female. Languageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. In a group people of different countries are there and all have different language. This is a major issue because the original message being in different language will lost its meaning if not understand properly. Along with this people of different languages will find difficulty to communicate with each other and will enable to do work together. Egoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Factor of ego is very much common in different gender. Mostly employees do not prefer to work with people of different genders. Ego creates problem in coordination and this result in inefficient work and organization falls to meet goals. Religionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ its not possible for people of different religion to communicate, work, spent time, having meals together etc. Because every religion have its own faith, norms, rituals and people with narrow vision and who keep themselves stick to their religious views find it difficult to work with people of other religion and its a bid hurdle in communication. Age factorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Its also one of the factors which relates to gender. Males in old ages are more reluctant towards new things as compare to females. Is hard for males to change their point of view and to see the different view of a picture as compare to females which easily accept changes. Old ages make human weird but males are weirder then females and communication lacks its color like this. Hesitating Nature of Femalesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Culture is important factor which decide the norms of society. Some cultures do not allow females to communicate much with males as a result difficulty in communication takes place. Along with this many other problems takes place also females with narrow vision takes all things negative and disturb the whole organization. 1-6: How can the saying action speaks better than words apply to verbal and non verbal communication. Good communication is basis of perfect professional relations but in a communication we communicate 70% by our gestures then our words. That is way this phrase is best suited for non-verbal and verbal communication that `Action speaks more then words. Non verbal communication is vital form of communication. When we meet people we give and receive uncountable singles which communicates a lot even without speaking any word. These singles are excellent way of define a situation as compare to words. Verbal communication includes only speaking but non-verbal communication includes sounds, way of talking, way of walking, postures, appearance, head moments, hand moments, eye moments, closeness etc. Words are not enough to create a strong relation. Nonverbal communication is necessary to create a good quality relation. Unfortunately people send negative nonverbal clues which leads to problem in business relations. Only words not supported by proper gestures are not enough to hold a situation. Strategies for a nonverbal delivery to make communication effective: 1. Postureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The ways you stand and balance your weight shows your confidence and give impression of your actual personality. Your outward appearance mirrors your inner mood. E.g. when you drip your podium over your shoulder sagging, it gives the feeling of depression and lack of control. 2. Movementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Your controlled and easy moments show your confidence and give impression of your confidence courage and also ability to handle every kind of situation. During conversation or meeting with senior if a junior stick to one position and show no moment it shows his nervousness. There is different type of moments like movement of head in nodding shows a person understands the point of view of communicator, moment of hand during delivering a point shows confidence and better way to make point easy to understand, moments of eyes like winking at some point shows the nervousness of the employee. So movement of every part of body gives a meaning and adds understanding to your point. 3. Gesturesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ It is a part of kinesics which is science of body moments. Basically hand and arm gestures are used to emphasis a pointà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to point out somethingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. To reject and ideaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to describe a point more clearlyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Slapping someone shows anger. Interpretation of gestures is an issue across different culture so avoid using dual meaning gestures. 4. Facial expressionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Each organ of your face talks when you communicate with some. Smile or laugh suggests that a topic is interesting one. A frown shows anger or you are worried. Cunning impression of face shows the peak of your anger. It also includes eye contact. The employee who most avoids eye contact with seniors is considered to lack confidence. Eye contact suggest respect and goodwill and adding to a favorable impression of you as a speaker. 5. Body Contactsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Sometimes some acts show your reaction towards someone. E.g. shaking hand with someone shows respect, tapping shoulder shows you are satisfied with your employee etc. These nonverbal acts adds value to relations Adopted from: 1.7: Using different mediums can lead to different outcomes of a message. Justify the statement with examples. Effective communication is necessary for the rapid growth of an organization but to make the communication effective selection of medium is very important. Selection of medium depends on particular situation of communication. A single medium is not enough or suitable in all the condition. Different mediums as per different situtations are: 1.During interviwes the best possible communication is face 2 face communication. Interviews cannot b held through telephones bec thrugh such medium the interviwer will not b able to judge the nonverble cues of interviwee which is major part in interviwee. 2. Announcment of bonus to employee in multinational organization where number of employees are countless one notice on the noticeboard is not a good medium. Personal letter to every employee is a good way to communicate. 3.Good news are always given through letters where as in case of bad news a telephone call is required in which you can give your sympathy to the receiver by which you can develop good relation even after conveying bad news. 4. In case of any bad situation in organization, for example any fight between departments, a person must be selected to resolve the problem which is liked by all in organization. Selecting a person to resolve problem which is rude, arrogant, dry natured is not a lot favorable in this situation. This will make situation worst. 5. There lies a difference while communicate with stakeholders of the multinational organization and the debtor. While communicating with creditors, shareholders it is necessary to b polite and use proper medium e.g. if using mails the efficient mailing service must b used but while communicating with debtor cheap service is also acceptable. 6. For advertisement purpose such news channel, news papers, social site are used which have high rating and are popular among such type of people to whom we want to convey our message. Using such news channel, news paper etc which is not at all popular and is not like by majority of our product users and employee will not only wastage of time but also will have adverse effect on your business and will result in big loss condition. 7. People like by their acts are also a good medium for message as these people is most likely to b trusted by all and they will b a good way to make other realize our worth. 1.8: What are the impacts of ineffective communication on business and its stakeholders? Justify your answer with examples from real business situations. For interaction and co-operation of human and organization the main compelling weapon is communication. It involves fostering a shared understanding and sharing of ideas between two parties or more. In the achievement of organizational goals and objectives communication is used as a medium of persuasion and used to inform those people who are directly involved in doing the relevant work. There is one author named Akporowho (2008) has defined communication as a medium of exchange of different thinking, ideas, emotions and facts for making a mutual understanding between people or parties. A great roman philosopher Cicero Marcus once said that if the language is not correct then what is said is not what is meant and if what is said is not what is meant, what ought to done remains undone. This improper handling of communication leads towards the ineffective communication. It can be explained as a process in which the message that sender has sent is received in completely different meaning by the receiver. In a crux it is incorrect understanding of the message by the receiver. In global business world many problem arises because of the ineffective communication. The problems of ineffective communication include the biasness, mis-representation and blunder. It also leads towards the poor synchronization, useless control, and failure of management that is unavoidable. Within the organization because of ineffective communication conflicting situation arises and in the result of this information distorted. Because of all the distortion and poor communication misunderstanding arises between organizational departments, individuals and stakeholders; who so ever are involved in the communication process. The other impact of the ineffective communication is the breaking of interactions between human. This may lead to the industrial turbulence between the organization and its stake holders. The ineffective communication in the organization also affects the stake holders. The impact of ineffective communication on stake holders can be the misinterpretation of motives and intentions of the organization for the stake holders. Whatever the organization is communicated the stakeholders are getting its wrong meaning and thus leads towards the misinterpretation. The other problem can be the unfulfilled needs of both parties. If the organizational communication is not effective the employees, customers and all other stake holders cannot communicate their needs. So this would leads towards the un-accomplishment of needs. In organization communication is the way through which people communicate about their current problems and situations. The ineffective communication will lead towards the unresolved problem situation in organization. The other thing that occurs because of the ineffective communication is increased hostility among the people and stake holders of the organization.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Awakening and The Yellow Wallpaper -- Chopin Awakening Essays
         Kate Chopin's story The Awakening and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's story The Yellow Wallpaper draw their power from two truths: First, each work stands as a political cry against injustice and at the socio/political genesis of the modern feminist movement. Second, each text is a gatekeeper of a new literary history. Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman seem to initiate a new phase in textual history where literary conventions are revised to serve an ideology representative of the "new" feminine presence. Two conventions in particular seem of central importance: "marriage" and "propriety".        Donald Keesey, editor of the critical collection Contexts for Criticism, describes "convention" for us as, devices of structure and plot, techniques of character representation, and a vast reservoir of images and symbols are conventions that most Western literatures, at least, have in commonBut like the conventions of language, they have meaning only to those who have learned them (Keesey, 262).        Literary convention is on one side the particular tool or image; for example, "baptism" can be used as a literary a convention. It is a "convention" because it brings with it a set of inferences, i.e. rebirth, renewal, awakening, initiation, etc. This relation of the signifier to the signified is what Chopin and Gilman seek to revise in the conventions of "propriety" and "marriage". The preceding definition of "convention" leaves us with an important question, namely, "What if what the existing conventions imply is insufficient? What if, as in the case of Chopin and Gilman, the canon (as a reflection of society at large) has failed to recognize the feminine voice?" As these authors have shown us, when such is the ... ...ier." New Essays on The Awakening. Ed. Wendy Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. 89-106. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, The Yellow Wallpaper, The Feminist Press, 1973. Gilmore, Michael T. "Revolt Against Nature: The Problematic Modernism of The Awakening." Martin 59-84. Giorcelli, Cristina. "Edna's Wisdom: A Transitional and Numinous Merging." Martin 109-39. Keesey, Donald, Contexts for Criticism. Mayfield Publishing Company, 1994. Martin, Wendy, ed. New Essays on the Awakening. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. Papke, Mary E. Verging on the Abyss: The Social Fiction of Kate Chopin and Edith Wharton. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1990. Seyersted, Per. Kate Chopin: A Critical Biography. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1969. Showalter, Elaine. "Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awakening as a Solitary Book." Martin 33-55. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Assessment and Office Equipment Essay
Unit purpose and aim This unit is about using a variety of different office equipment following manufacturer’s and organisational guidelines. Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria The Learner will: The Learner can: 1. Know about different types of office equipment and its uses 1. 1 Identify different types of equipment and their uses 1. 2 Describe the different features of different types of office equipment 1. 3 Explain why different types of equipment are chosen for tasks 2. Understand the purpose of following instructions and health and safety procedures Exemplification Learning outcomes 1 to 6 must be assessed using methods appropriate to the assessment of knowledge and understanding. A holistic approach to assessment should be adopted so that one piece of evidence covers more than one learning outcome and several assessment criteria. 2. 1 Explain the purpose of following manufacturer’s instructions when using equipment 2. 2 Explain the purpose of following organisational instructions when using equipment 2. 3 Identify health and safety procedures for using different types of equipment 2. 4 Explain the purpose of following health and safety. Procedures when using equipment 2. 5 Explain the purpose of  © OCR 2010 1 keeping equipment clean and hygienic 3. Understand how to use equipment in a way that minimises waste 3. 1 Give examples of waste when using equipment 3. 2 Give examples of ways to reduce waste 3. 3 Explain the purpose of minimising waste 4. Know about the different types of problems that may occur when using equipment and how to deal with them 4. 1 Give examples of equipment problems 4. 2 Explain the purpose of following manufacturer’s instructions and organisational procedures when dealing with problems 4. 3 Give examples of how to deal with problems 5. Understand the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines 5. 1 Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when using equipment 6. Understand the purpose of leaving equipment and the work area ready for the next user 6. 1 Explain the purpose of leaving equipment and the work area ready for the next user 7. Be able to use office equipment 7. 1 Locate and select equipment needed for a task 7. 2 Use equipment following manufacturer’s and organisational guidelines Assessment should be planned. To maximise the opportunities for the candidate to demonstrate their ability to use office equipment. 7. 3 Use equipment minimising waste 7. 4 Keep equipment clean and hygienic 7. 5 Deal with equipment problems following manufacturer’s and organisational procedures 7. 6 Refer problems, if required 7. 7 Make sure final work product meets agreed requirements 7. 8 Make sure that product is delivered to agreed timescale 7. 9 Make sure equipment, 2  © OCR 2010 resources and work area are ready for the next user Assessment This unit is centre assessed and externally verified. A holistic approach to assessment should be adopted so that one piece of evidence covers more than one learning outcome and several assessment criteria and where appropriate, provides evidence across several units. Your assessor will use a range of assessment methods which may include: ? observation of performance in the work environment ? examination of work products ? questioning the learner ? discussing with the learner ? use of others (witness testimony) ? looking at learner statements ? recognising prior learning Evidence requirements A range of evidence should be gathered to cover the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria. Examples may include: ? Job requests/briefs from colleagues ? Copies of work produced using equipment ? Fault/problem logs indicating your response ? Records of training in use of equipment ? Minutes of team/1 to 1 meetings, relating to use of equipment ? Annotated copies of relevant sections in user manuals. The candidate must demonstrate their ability to use a range of office equipment including a computer, printer, and photocopier along with other equipment necessary to carry out their job eg telephone, franking machine,fax machine, data projector, shredder, laminator, binder, paper folder. Guidance on assessment and evidence requirements Refer to sections on Assessment and Evidence requirements above. National Occupational Standards (NOS) mapping/signposting This unit is based on the NOS BAA231 Use office equipment. Functional skills signposting This section indicates where candidates may have an opportunity to develop their functional skills.  © OCR 2010 3 Link to functional skills standards http://www. qcda. gov. uk/15565.aspx Functional Skills Standards English Mathematics ICT Speaking and Listening ? Representing ? Use ICT systems ? Reading ? Analysing ? Find and select information ? Writing ? Interpreting ? Develop, present and communicate information ? Resources Access to a wo rking environment with associated equipment and resources Additional information For further information regarding administration for this qualification, please refer to the OCR document ‘Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications’ (A850) on the OCR website www. ocr. org. uk.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
International Business – Midterm Review
AFM 333 Midterm Review Module 1: – Fall of Berlin Wall 1989 – Two Trends altering global market: globalization of markets and technological advances – Globalization: interconnectedness of national economies, growing interdependence of buyers, producers and suppliers in different countries G6 economies: US, UK, Japan, Germany, France, Italy – Account for half of global consumption with only 1/10 of population –B6 economies: China, India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea – China is the biggest market for phones, TVs, and cars in 2007 – China and India have more middle class households than all of the households in the United States – Growth in B6 more than 3x the growth in G6 economies 62 Multinationals in Fortune Global 500 20 of these multinationals are in China 12 from South Korea 6 from India 5 from Mexico and 5 from Russia B6 have three times the labour force of G6 countries 33 million university-educated young professiona ls in developing world compared to 14 million in the developed world 00 000 IT Engineers in India vs. 50 K in US In the decade to 2020, the working-age population of emerging economies is expected to increase by more than 500 million, compared with an increase of only 3. 7 million in developed economies. Drivers of Market Globalization – 1. Reduction of trade and investment barriers – 2. Market Liberalization: move to market based economies + adopt free trade in China + Soviet Union etc. – 3. Industrialization + Modernization + developing economies creating higher value adding products – 4.Integration of World Financial Markets: international banks, globalization of finance – 5. Advances in Technology: reduces cost and time, improves coordination and communication, facilitates development, helps share information/marketing, virtual space removes distance Dimensions of Market Globalization – integration/interdependence of global economies â⠂¬â€œ increase regional economic integration bloc – growth of global investment – convergence of buyer lifestyles/preferences – globalization of production activities Social Concequences – loss of national soverignity offshoring/outsourcing jobs – effects on the poor, the natural environment and national culture Firm-level consequences – new business opportunities – new risks and rivalries – more demanding buyers (less bargaining power to supplier) – international value chains Phases of Globalization 1. 1830-1880: Introduction of railway and ocean transport (trains and ships) + phone and telegraph invented 2. 1900-1930: increased steel and electricity production + Western Europe most industrialized country so established first multinational subs through colonization (Nestle, Shell, BP) 3. 948-1970: Form general agreement on tariff and trade + high demand for consumer products and input goods to rebuild after the war 4. 1 980- now: radical advances in IT, communication, manufacturing, consultation, and privatization. Caused by: †¢Commercialization of the personal computer. †¢Arrival of the Internet and the web browser. †¢Advances in communication and manufacturing technologies. †¢Collapse of the Soviet Union and ensuing market liberalization in central and Eastern Europe. †¢Substantial industrialization and modernization efforts of the East Asian economies including China.GDP growth rates highest in developing economies who emphasize global integration Information travels faster now than ever before (ships/carraiges, steamships/cars, motor vehicles/aircraft, internet (speed of light)). Firm Level Consequences of Globalization – international value chain – demanding buyers – increased rivalry and competition – increased opportunity for business – Management must change focus – Must partner and outsource better – look for product ivity and operational efficiency gains – find and measure key global strategic assets of org. International Business trade and investment activities of firms across borders Globalization – economic integration and growing interdependency worldwide Theories of Trade – mercantilism – national prosperity = positive balance of trade (trade surplus) – absolute advantage principle – produce only products for which your country/region has an absolute advantage – comparative advantage principle – both countries produce even if one has absolute advantage in all products, relative efficiency matters, specialize in what you produce best and trade for the rest you can use scarce resources more efficientlyNational Comparative Advantages – China low cost labour – India – IT workers in Bangalore – Ireland – service economy – Dubai – knowledge based economy Comparative Advantage = superior featu res with unique benefits in global market either naturally endowed or put in place through national policy – NATIONAL Competitive Advantage = distinctive competencies of a firm from cost, size, innovation that are difficult for competitors to replicate – FIRM Factor Proportions/Endowments Theory = produce and export products that use abundant factors of production and import goods that use scarce resourcesLimitations of Early Trade Theories – they don’t account for cost of international transportation – tariffs and import restrictions distort trade flows – economies of scale bring about additional efficiencies – low cost capital now available on global markets How do Nations Enhance Competitive Advantage – governments can proactively implement policies to subsidize and stimulate the economy outside of natural endowments – create national economic advantage through: innovation stimulus, target industries for development, provide incentives and low cost capitalNational Industrial Policy – economic development plan by public sector to nurture and support promising industries through: tax incentives, monetary/fiscal policy, rigorous educational systems, investment in national infrastructure, strong legal and regulatory systems – Example Ireland: fiscal, monetary and tax consolidation, partnership of gov with unions, emphasis on high value add industry like pharma, biotech and IT, membership in EU, investment in education – improved GDP, Unemployment and National Debt 3x by 2003 from 1987 Porter’s Diamond Model: Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry – strong competitors in country serves as national competitive advantage – clusters ? Factor Conditions – labour, natural resources, capital, technology, knowledge and entrepreneurship ? Demand Conditions – strengths and sophistication of consumer demand ? Related and Supporting Industries – avail ability of clusters and complementary firms in the value chain Industrial Clusters: – concentration of suppliers and supporting firms in the same regional area – ex. silicon valley, Switzerland pharma, fashion in italy/paris, IT in Bangalore – export platform for the nationClassical Theories – International Product Cycle Theory: introduction, growth and maturity of each product and its associated manufacturing – INTRO: inventor country enjoys a monopoly in manufacturing and exports – GROWTH: other countries enter the global market place with more standard manufacturing – MATURITY: original innovator becomes net importer of product – Now – hard for innovator to maintain a lead because there is a short product life cycle – New Trade Theory: economies of scale important for international performance in some industries.Ex. high fixed costs = high volume sales to breakeven Reasons to Invest Abroad: – market seek ing – efficiency/cost seeking – resource seeking – knowledge seeking Why Internationalize? 1. opp for growth through diversification of market 2. higher profit margins 3. new P&S ideas and business methods 4. serve customers who have relocated abroad (increase/maintain market) 5. closer to supply sources, use global sourcing advantages, flexibility in sourcing products 6. access to lower cost/better value factors of production 7. evelop economies of scale in sourcing, production, marketing, economies of scale 8. confront international competitors 9. invest in relationship with a foreign partner Nature of International Business – value adding activities can be done internationally (source, manufacture, market) – cross border trade not limited to raw materials, include capital, tech, knowledge, products, services etc. – Internationalize through: Export, FDI, Licence, Franchise and JV FDI – longterm acquisition of productive assets like capital, tech, labour P&E etc – large commitment used to manufacture products in low labour cost countries MNE – big company with lots of resources, subs and affiliates in many countries (US, Japan, Germany, France, Britain) SME – small to medium size enterprise, 500 or fewer employees Born Global Firm – young company that initiates business on the global market Risks in International Business: 1. Commercial Risk – weak partnerships, bad timing of entry, high competition, poor execution of strategy, operational problems 2.Currency Risk – tax, inflation, asset valuation, transfer pricing, currency exposure 3. Country Risk – protectionism/gov intervention, bureaucracy, lack of legal safeguards/poor leagal system, social/political unrest 4. Cross-Cultural Risk – cultural differences, negotiation, different decision making styles, different ethical practices MNE Avenues for Involvement: ? Import/Export ? Licencing/Franchising ? Joi ng Venture ? FDI – get progressively more risky, higher investment, higher potential benefit, higher commitmentIntermediaries Include: – Distributor – extension of firm, takes goods under their name to sell – Manufacturer Rep – under contract of exporter to rep and sell merch – Retailer – bypass wholesaler/distributer and sell to retailer to sell to customers – IKEA, WALMART – Trading Company – based in home country, high volume, low margin resellers. – Export Management Company – US, export agent who secures contracts to export goods – usually specialize in industries and areas – Agent – works on commission Licensor – Focal firm grants the right to the foreign partner to use certain intellectual property in exchange for royalties – Franchisor – grant right to use a business system for fees and royalties – ICV – share cost and risk fo new ventur e with another company – JV – create a jointly owned new entitiy with foreign partners – Project Based Venture – collaboration with a timeline without creating a new entity, common with R&D intensive ventures Facilitator – provide services for cross border transactions: Bank, Lawyers, Freight, Consultants, ad agency, custom brokers, insurance companies, tax accountants,Turnkey Contractor: Provide engineering, design, and architectural services in the construction of airports, hospitals, oil refineries, and other types of infrastructure. †¢These projects are typically awarded on the basis of open bidding by the sponsor. †¢Examples- European Channel Tunnel, the Three Gorges Dam in China, Delhi Metro Rail Ltd. and the Hong Kong Airport. †¢Build-own-transfer venture- an increasingly popular type of turnkey contract in the developing economies where contractors acquire an ownership in the facility for a period of time until it is turned o ver to the client.MODULE 3 [pic] Advanced economies are post-industrial countries characterized by high per capita income, highly competitive industries, and well-developed commercial infrastructure. †¢Examples- world’s richest countries and include Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United States, and Western European countries. Developing economies are low-income countries characterized by limited industrialization and stagnant economies. †¢Examples- low-income countries, with limited industrialization and stagnant economies- e. g. Bangladesh, Nicaragua and Zaire.Emerging market economies are a subset of former developing economies that have achieved substantial industrialization, modernization, improved living standards and remarkable economic growth. †¢Examples- some 27 countries in East and South Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Eastern Europe- including Brazil, Russia, India, China (so called BRIC countries). [pic] Advanced Economies – 2 – 4% growth rates – mature industrial development – moved from manufacturing to service based economies – typically democratic political systems and capital economic systems – host worlds biggest MNEs – Emerging Economies – 7 – 10% growth rates 40% of world GDP – 30% of exports – 20% of FDI – low cost labour and capital, knowledgeable workers, gov support – fastest growth rate – attractive: growing middle class, manufacturing bases, sourcing destinations – market potential: percapita income, size of middle class, GNI, use adjusted GDP for PPP – middle class has some economic independence and discretionary income Hong Kong, Isreal, Saudi Arabia The EMPI combines factors that provide firms with a realistic measure of export market potential: †¢Market Size: the country’s population, especially urban population †¢Market Growth Rate: the country’s real GDP gr owth rate Market Intensity: private consumption and GNI represent discretionary expenditures of citizens †¢Market Consumption Capacity: The percentage share of income held by the country’s middle class †¢Commercial Infrastructure: characteristics such as number of mobile phone subscribers, density of telephone lines, number of PCs, density of paved roads, and population per retail outlet †¢Economic Freedom: the degree of government intervention †¢Market Receptivity: the particular country’s inclination to trade with the exporter’s country as estimated by the volume of imports †¢Country Risk: the degree of political riskChallenges of doing business with Ems – political stability – hard to forecast in uncertain conditions – beauraucracy/lack of transparency – weak IP rights – availability of good partners – presence of family conglomerates †¢Regional economic integration, refers to the growing economic interdependence that results when countries within a geographic region form an alliance aimed at reducing barriers to trade and investment. †¢40% of world trade today is under some bloc preferential trade agreement. Premise- mutual advantages for cooperating nations within a common geography, history, culture, language, economics, and/or politics †¢Free trade that results from economic integration helps nations attain higher living standards by encouraging specialization, lower prices, greater choices, increased productivity, and more efficient use of resources. 1. Market access. Tariffs and most non-tariff barriers have been eliminated for trade in products and services, and rules of origin favor manufacturing that uses parts and other inputs produced in the EU. . Common market. The EU removed barriers to the cross-national movement of production factorsâ€â€labor, capital, and technology. 3. Trade rules. The member countries have largely eliminated customs p rocedures and regulations, which streamlines transportation and logistics within Europe. 4. Standards harmonization. The EU is harmonizing technical standards, regulations, and enforcement procedures that relate to products, services, and commercial activities. 5. Common fiscal, monetary, taxation, and social welfare policies in the long run.The euro (common currency since 2002): †¢Simplified the process of cross-border trade and enhanced Europe’s international competitiveness. †¢Eliminated exchange rate risk in much of the bloc and forced member countries to improve their fiscal and monetary policies. †¢Unified consumers and businesses to think of Europe as a single market †¢Forced national governments to relinquish monetary power to the European Central Bank, in Luxembourg, which oversees EU monetary functions. †¢NAFTA passage (1994) was facilitated by the maquiladora program – U. S. firms locate manufacturing facilities just south of the U. S. order and access low-cost labor without having to pay significant tariffs. NAFTA has: †¢Eliminated tariffs and most nontariff barriers for products/services. †¢Initiated bidding for government contracts by member country firms †¢Established trade rules and uniform customs procedures. †¢Prohibited standards/technical regulations to be used as trade barriers. †¢Instituted rules for investment and intellectual property rights. †¢Provided for dispute settlement for investment, unfair pricing, labor issues, and the environment. †¢Trade among the members has more than tripled and now exceeds $1 trillion per year. In the early 1980s, Mexico’s tariffs averaged 100% and gradually disappeared under NAFTA. †¢Member countries now trade more with each other than with former trading partners outside the NAFTA zone. †¢Both Canada and Mexico now have some 80% of their trade with, and 60% of their FDI stocks in the United States. †¢Mexican exports to the U. S. grew from $50 billion to over $160 billion per year. †¢Access to Canada and the U. S. helped launch numerous Mexican firms in industries such as electronics, automobiles, textiles, medical products, and services. †¢Annual U. S. nd Canadian investment in Mexico rose from $4 billion in 1993 to nearly $20 billion by 2006. †¢Mexico’s per capita income rose to about $11,000 in 2007, making Mexico the wealthiest country in Latin America. †¢By increasing Mexico’s attractiveness as a manufacturing location, firms like Gap Inc. and Liz Claiborne moved their factories from Asia to Mexico during the 1990s. †¢IBM shifted much of its production of computer parts from Singapore to Mexico. ASEAN – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia APEC – Asia Pacific Economic Coop – Australia, Canada, Chile, US, China, Japan, Mexico CER – Aussie and New Zealand – removed 80% of tarriffsWhy Nations Expand? 1. Ex pand market size  §Regional integration greatly increases the scale of the marketplace for firms inside the economic bloc.  §Example- Belgium has a population of just 10 million; the EU gives Belgian firms easier access to a total market of roughly 490 million. 2. Achieve scale economies and enhanced productivity  §Expansion of market size within an economic bloc gives member country firms the opportunity to gain economies of scale in production and marketing.  §Internationalization inside the bloc helps firms learn to compete more effectively outside the bloc as well. Labor and other inputs are allocated more efficiently among the member countries- leading to lower prices for consumers. 3. Attract direct investment from outside the bloc  §Compared to investing in stand-alone countries, foreign firms prefer to invest in countries that are part of an economic bloc as they receive preferential treatment for exports to other member countries.  §Examples- General Mills, Sams ung, and Tata- have invested heavily in the EU to take advantage of Europe's economic integration.  §By establishing operations in a single EU country, these firms gain free trade access to the entire EU market. 4.Acquire stronger defensive and political posture  §Provide member countries with a stronger defensive posture relative to other nations and world regions- this was one of the motives for the initial creation of the European Community (precursor to the EU). †¢The value chain can be thought of as the complete business system of the focal firm. It comprises all of the activities that the focal firm performs. †¢The focal firm may retain core activities such as production and marketing, and outsource distribution and customer service responsibilities to foreign-market based distributors, thus the global reconfiguration of the value chain. Dell makes a variety of products, each with its own value chain. The total supply chain for a notebook computer, including mult iple tiers of suppliers, involves about 400 companies, primarily in Asia, but also in Europe and the Americas. †¢On a typical day, Dell processes orders for 150,000 computers, which are distributed to customers around the world, with non-U. S. sales accounting for 40 percent. †¢Shipping is handled via air transport, e. g. from the Dell Malaysia factory to the U. S. Dell charters a China Airlines 747 hat flies to Nashville, Tennessee six days a week, with each jet carries 25,000 Dell notebooks that weigh a total of 110,000 kilograms, or 242,500 pounds. †¢One of the hallmarks of Dell’s value chain is collaboration. CEO Michael Dell and his team constantly work with their suppliers to make process improvements in Dell’s value chain. [pic] Automotive Industry †¢Manufacturing of the Chevrolet Malibu illustrates national and geographic diversity of suppliers that provide content for an automobile, a truly global value chain. †¢Suppliers are headquart ered in Germany, Japan, France, Korea, and United Kingdom, and the U.S. , and the components they sell to General Motors are manufactured in typically low-cost countries and then shipped to the General Motors plant in Fairfax, Kansas. †¢The German automaker BMW employs 70,000 factory personnel at 23 sites in 13 countries to manufacture its vehicles. †¢Workers at the Munich plant build the BMW 3 Series and supply engines and key body components to other BMW factories abroad. †¢In the U. S. , BMW has a plant in South Carolina, which makes over 500 vehicles daily for the world market. †¢In Northeast China, BMW makes cars in a joint venture with Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd. In India, BMW has a manufacturing presence to serve the needs of the rapidly growing South Asia market. †¢BMW must configure sourcing at the best locations worldwide, in order to minimize costs (e. g. , by producing in China), access skilled personnel (by producing in Germany), r emain close to key markets (by producing in China, India and the U. S. ). †¢Global sourcing is the procurement of products or services from suppliers or company-owned subsidiaries located abroad for consumption in the home country or a third country. Technological advances, including instant Internet connectivity and broadband availability TECHNOLOGY †¢Declining communication and transportation costs †¢Widespread access to vast information including growing connectivity between suppliers and the customers that they serve; and SUPPLY CHAIN †¢Entrepreneurship and rapid economic transformation in emerging markets. GLOBALIZATION †¢Managers must decide between internalization and externalization  whether each value-adding activity should be conducted in-house or by an independent supplier. This is known as the ‘make or buy’ decision: â€Å"Should we make a product or conduct a particular value-chain activity ourselves, or should we source it from an outside contractor? ††¢Firms usually internalize those value-chain activities they consider a part of their core competence, or which involve the use of proprietary knowledge and trade secrets that they want to control. †¢Configuration of value-adding activity: The pattern or geographic arrangement of locations where the firm carries out value-chain activities. Instead of concentrating value-adding activities in the home country, many firms configure these activities across the world to save money, reduce delivery time, access factors of production, and extract maximal advantages relative to competitors. †¢This helps explain the migration of traditional industries from Europe, Japan, and the U. S. to emerging markets in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. [pic] †¢Outsourcing refers to the procurement of selected value-adding activities, including production of intermediate goods or finished products, from independent suppliers. This practice of externalizing a particular value-adding activity to outside contractors is known as outsourcing. †¢Firms outsource because they generally are not superior at performing all primary and support activities. Most value-adding activities  from manufacturing to marketing to after-sales service  are candidates for outsourcing. †¢Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). The outsourcing of business functions to independent suppliers such as accounting, payroll, and human resource functions, IT services, customer service, and technical support. BPO includes:  §Back-office activities, which includes internal, upstream business functions such as payroll and billing, and  §Front-office activities, which includes downstream, customer-related services such as marketing or technical support. †¢Offshoring is a natural extension of global sourcing. It refers to the relocation of a business process or entire manufacturing facility to a foreign country. †¢MNEs are particularly active in shifting production facilities or business processes to foreign countries to enhance their competitive advantages. Offshoring is especially common in the service sector, including banking, software code writing, legal services, and customer-service activities. †¢E. g. , large legal hubs have emerged in India that provide services such as drafting contracts and patent applications, conducting research and negotiations, as well as performing paralegal work on behalf of Western clients. With lawyers in N. America and Europe costing $300 an hour or more, Indian firms can cut legal bills by 75 percent. Best Jobs for Offshoring: Large-scale manufacturing industries whose primary competitive advantage is efficiency and low cost; †¢Industries such as automobiles that have uniform customer needs and highly standardized processes in production and other value-chain activities; †¢Service industries that are highly labor intensive, e. g. , call centers and legal transcription; †¢Information-based industries whose functions and activities can be easily transmitted via the Internet, e. g. , accounting, billing, and payroll; and †¢Industries such as software preparation whose outputs are easy to codify and transmit over the Internet or by telephone, e. g. routine technical support and customer service activities. [pic] †¢Cost efficiency is the traditional rationale for sourcing abroad. The firm takes advantage of ‘labor arbitrage’ – the large wage gap between advanced economies and emerging markets. †¢One study found that firms expect to save an average of more than 40% off baseline costs as a result of offshoring. These savings tend to occur particularly in R&D, product design activities, and back-office operations such as accounting and data processing. Benefits of Outsourcing: †¢Faster corporate growth. †¢Access to qualified personnel abroad. †¢Improved productivity and service. Business process redesign. †¢Increased speed to market. †¢Access to new markets. †¢Technological flexibility. Improved agility by shedding unnecessary overhead. Disadvantages to Outsourcing: †¢Vulnerability to exchange rate fluctuations †¢Partner selection, qualification, and monitoring costs †¢Increased complexity of managing a worldwide network of production locations and partners †¢Complexity of managing global supply chain †¢Limited influence over the manufacturing processes of the supplier †¢Potential vulnerability to opportunistic behavior or actions in bad faith by suppliers †¢Constrained ability to safeguard intellectual assetsRisks in Global Sourcing: 1. Less-than-expected cost savings. Conflicts and misunderstandings arise because of differences in the national and organizational cultures between the focal firm and foreign supplier. Such factors give rise to cost-savings that are less than originally anticipated. 2. Environ mental factors. Numerous environmental challenges confront focal firms including: exchange rate fluctuations, labor strikes, adverse macro-economic events, high tariffs and other trade barriers, and high energy and transportation costs. 3. Weak legal environment.Many popular locations for global outsourcing have weak laws and enforcement regarding intellectual property, which can lead to erosion of key strategic assets. 4. Risk of creating competitors. As the focal firm shares its intellectual property and business-process knowledge with foreign suppliers, it also runs the risk of creating future rivals (e. g. , Schwinn). 5. Inadequate or low-skilled workers. Some foreign suppliers may be staffed by employees who lack appropriate knowledge about the tasks with which they are charged. Other suppliers suffer rapid turnover of skilled employees. 6. Over-reliance on suppliers.Unreliable suppliers may put earlier work aside when they gain a more important client. Suppliers occasionally e ncounter financial difficulties or are acquired by other firms with different priorities and procedures. Over-reliance can shift control of key activities too much in favor of the supplier. 7. Erosion of morale and commitment among home-country employees. Global sourcing can create a situation in which employees are caught in the middle between their employer and their employer’s clients. At the extreme, workers find themselves in a psychological limbo, unclear about who their employer really is.
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