Essay writing method
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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Ministers Black Veil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Ministers Black Veil - Essay Example Milton Stewart’s remark is wonderful in such manner, â€Å"Evil will always rule over great, for the peccable, feeble spirits of todays youth are for more canny than any of us will ever be.†Nathaniel Hawthorne has joined this topic in a portion of his works of extraordinary noteworthiness, for example, ‘The Scarlet Letter’ and ‘Young Goodman Brown’. Hawthorne through his work ‘The Minister’s Black Veil’ will in general recognize singular defect with all inclusive character of humankind utilizing an image, which shrouds the physical yet uncovers the theoretical. The short story of Hawthorne utilizes the dark shroud as an image, which picks up conspicuousness in the very title of the story. The dark cloak prevails the very plot and subject of the story. The story starts before the congregation where the burial service function of a youthful lady is being held and the priest shows up with a dark shroud covering the greater part of his face. Just his mouth and jawline were obvious and the spectators look for the purpose for it. At the point when he twists around the lady the shroud hangs to such an extent that if the corpse’s eyes are open she can see his face. This again brings up an issue about the motivation behind why he is concealing his face and what his â€Å"secret sin†is. He promptly gets the shroud with his hand to keep the face secured. Indeed, even his significant other can't find an unmistakable solution and the pastor proclaims that he is going to wear the shroud for a mind-blowing duration. Numerous pundits have sc rutinized the reason for utilizing the cloak however as per Carnochan, the dark shroud serves more as a â€Å"symbol of symbols†than basically a â€Å"parable of guilt†. The motivation behind the cloak is to mirror an importance on one hand and on the other, shroud it †â€Å"inviting theory and opposing it†(Freedman, 354). When the face is uncovered the centrality of the cloak will be lost. The reason for utilizing the cover in the story is to start feelings of a person. The plot carefully uncovers the interest of the townspeople,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Traits of Heathclif in Wuthering Heights Essay -- essays research
In Emily Brontã «'s book, Wuthering Heights, we, the peruser, are acquainted with a gathering of intriguing characters. The antiheroic fundamental character, Heathcliff, is a perplexing character with many distinctive qualities. Heathcliff follows up on his emotions and makes a serious notoriety for himself. Heathcliff is loaded with retaliation, in any case, he is adoring. Heathcliff's retribution is appeared and demonstrated all through the book. Indeed, even as a kid Heathcliff would make statements, for example, I'm attempting to settle how I will repay. I couldn't care less to what extent I pause, on the off chance that I can just do it, finally. I trust he won't pass on before I do?No, God won?t have the fulfillment that I shall?I just wish I knew the most ideal way! Leave me be, and I?ll plan it out: while I?m thinking?? (Brontã « 55-56) This, as we, the peruser, later observe happen. In the wake of being dismissed by the affection for his life, Catherine, Heathcliff must choose the option to discover another accomplice. Heathcliff isn't distraught at Catherine for wedding another person, however rather her thought process why. Catherine discloses to Nelly Dean, the servant, that it is shameful to herself if she somehow managed to wed Heathcliff. Catherine says it would be disgraceful on the grounds that Heathcliff is more destitution stricken a nd denied of numerous this she needs. (Brontã « 75) Heathcliff pursues away hearing this, just to return months after the fact more man of honor like. Catherine?s sister-in-law, Isabella, goes gaga for Heathcliff after his arrival and Heathcliff understands this. Heathcliff is a shark, so he weds Isabella purposefully, realizing Catherine would get envious. This is the one of the primary most prominent case of vengeance. A second case of how Heathcliff looked for vengeance on others, has to do with his stepbrother, Hindley. Heathcliff wan... ...particle of tears. ?Come in! Come ready!? he cried. ?Cathy, do come in. Goodness,- - again! Goodness! my heart?s sweetheart, hear me this time- - Catherine, finally.?? (Brontã « 25) Although, Heathcliff has a child, was hitched, and twenty years have gone after her demise Heathcliff is as yet energetic about his affection for Catherine. This shows Heathcliff is really cherishing in light of the fact that much following twenty years, he is still consistent with Catherine and still needs an opportunity to give her his genuine love for her. Despite the fact that Heathcliff has his negative sides which outwitted him all the time, he was additionally dedicated and mindful. The various parts of Heathcliff make his a genuinely novel, complex, and fascinating character. Heathcliff?s opposing attributes make him an individual who?s merits an opportunity to take a gander at. The two sides of Heathcliff are appeared all through the book, and make him what his identity is.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Rush, rush
Rush, rush One of the coolest things about MIT is Residence Exploration (REX), which you can read about in everybody elses blog. Basically, during the first week of orientation, you get to go around and visit all the dorms, decide which one youd really like to live in based on meeting the people there (not just from a viewbook or description). After that, you get to enter the housing readjustment lottery, giving you the chance to pack up all your stuff and move to a different dorm. The day after REX ends, most dorms do some sort of in-house rush to decide what floor, house, or area of the dorm youd like to live in. After that, certain floors, like mine, make you decide which suite you want to live in. Then you decide which room, which bed, which pillow, and so on until youve decided your housing all the way down to the quantum level. Rest assured that no other university gives you this much housing choice. Ill be busy in Burton-Conner tonight trying to get all the cool freshman to live on Conner 2. Here are the posters we made to put up around the dorm do they make you want to live with Mitra and me? One of our favorite floor pastimes to relieve stress is smashing fresh coconuts with a mace, so we decided to make it our major in-house rush activity. It was pretty successful last year. Our floor is called English House, for reasons explained on the website. It really means nothing, except we decorate with union jacks and Trogdor, and occasionally attract an anglophile like Zach who also happens to be 6 4. I made this poster, except for two things that were Mitras idea. EDIT: THE WHOLE THING WAS APPARENTLY MITRAS IDEA, IM SORRY. We will be playing the entry-titular song during rush. We wont really stalk you, but we are home to the three founding members of the Creepy Stalkers group on thefacebook, so we thought itd be appropriate to advertise our floors favorite extracurricular activities. Mike Short 05 is one of our most vibrant and memorable floor alumni, and were constantly working to keep his memory alive as long as possible. This poster commemorates the time he hooked a working laser up to his glasses, the time he blacksmithed a samurai katana that can split hairs, the time he set something on fire, and the most attractive way in which he can make his eyes go in different directions. Im just glad were not competing against New House 4; they appear to have the best rush posters ever, complete with cut-out yellow letters, glitter pen, and funky-edging scissors. Our floor rush was made in Paint in under 30 minutes. Post Tagged #Burton-Conner House
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Renewable And Non Renewable Energy Sources - 1966 Words
Renewable and non-renewable energy sources are used daily in our lives. According to Conserve Energy Future (n.d.), â€Å"Renewable energy is the energy from natural sources i.e. sun, wind, rain, tides and can be generated again and again as and when required [...] Non-Renewable energy is the energy which is taken from the sources that are available on the earth in limited quantity and will vanish fifty-sixty years from now.†Finding ways to use renewable energy sources rather than non-renewable source would help stop the negative environmental impacts created by a growing human population and would be very beneficial to our society. Today, I will assess my own energy use; determine which renewable sources of energy would be the most and least appropriate for where I live; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the energy sources I currently rely on; describe how technological advancements have facilitated the implementation of renewable energy; and discuss ways in which I could reduce energy used at home, work or in other areas of my daily life. Energy Self-Assessment I live in Lincoln, NE and energy plays a key role throughout my daily process. A few examples of energy use for me are: using gasoline to drive to work; the lights that surround my house and garden beds; my gas fire place that always stays lit; electricity to make my coffee machine run; and the use of golf balls during my leisure time. While I can discuss how I use energy, it is also important to knowShow MoreRelatedNon Renewable Energy Sources2309 Words  | 10 Pagesm16730 1 NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES âˆâ€" University of California College Prep University of California This work is produced by The Connexions Project and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License †Abstract Sucient, reliable sources of energy are a necessity for industrialized nations. Energy is used for heating, cooking, transportation and manufacturing. Energy can be generally classied as non-renewable and renewable..... 1 NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES 1.1 INTRODUCTION Read MoreEnergy Sources And Non Renewable Energy Source Essay2240 Words  | 9 Pagessomewhat skeptical of this renewable energy source. The second group that I wish to address are those who are deemed to be environmentalists, who have a very strong faith in wind energy and other forms of renewables. Since these two audiences can be quite different the way in which I address concerns are going to have to be comprehensive to both. With focusing first on locals, I wish to include the basic information on wind turbines so that all aspects of this renewable energy source can be fully understoodRead MoreEssay The Various Renewable and Non- Renewable Energy Sources1951 Words  | 8 PagesThankfully, however, not all sources of energy are non-renewable (although the renewable sources do have their downsides). Some sources are more prevalent in certain areas, while they may be extremely scarce in others; on the contrary, some sources are found all over the world, but only in trace amounts. The world around us uses many different types of electrical energy and a variety of sources from which that energy may be extracted. Solar power, biomass, wind, oil, gas and coal energy all have their positiveRead MorePetroleum Is A Non Renewable Source Of Energy1526 Words  | 7 Pagesnatural gases; petrol occurs naturally in the ground and was formed millions of years ago. (National Geographic Society, 1996) The crude oils and natural gases are extracted by giant drilling machines. Petrol, like coal is a non-renewable source of energy. Non-renewable energy can’t be re-generated within a short span of time and isn’t environmentally friendly as when it is burnt it emits greenhouse gases. The crude oils and natural gases have taken millions of years to form and when it is extractedRead MoreFossil Fuels Are A Non Renewable Source Of Energy1635 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"86% of the energy the USA uses comes from fossil fuels like petroleum and coal that provide electricity and gas to power our growing energy needs.†Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy, meaning that we will eventually run out one day in the near future. When we drive our cars to work, taking long showers, and leaving the lights on, we usually don’t realize how much of our resources we are using. Fossil Fuels, Power Plants and Fracking cause many of our environmental problems that theRead MoreNuclea r Energy : Nuclear And Non Renewable Sources Of Energy2249 Words  | 9 PagesNuclear Energy Nuclear energy has always been considered as one of the best options to replace petroleum and other non-renewable sources of energy since the scientific research begin on it more than half a century ago. With the passage of time, scientists came up with ideas and systems to utilize this energy practically for the benefit of the mankind so that it can be an alternate to the non-renewable sources of energy adding to that some other uses as well (eg. Nuclear medicine). This off courseRead MoreShould The Usage Of Non Renewable Source Of Energy Decrease?1241 Words  | 5 PagesShould the Usage of Non-Renewable Source of Energy Decrease? Energy is defined as the ability to do work that can neither be created nor be destroyed, can only be transfer from one form of energy to other. There are many kind of energy such as mechanical energy, potential energy etc. In our daily life we need different types of energy resource in each and every time to do our work such as we need electricity to run our electrical devices, gasoline to drive our vehicle and so on. Energy are produced fromRead MoreOil Spills Is An Insoluble And Non Renewable Sources Of Energy1782 Words  | 8 PagesOil, also known as petroleum, is an insoluble and non-renewable sources of energy used by a significant amount of people all around the world. According to the Energy Information Administration, U.S. Petroleum Consumption in 2001 mostly consist of gasoline (used to fuel cars), heating oil (used to heat buildings), diesel fuel, propane, residual fuel oil (powering factories, fueling large ships, and making electricity), and items that we come across every day (such as clothing, furnitures, kitchenRead MoreRenewable And Non Renewable Sources Essay1604 Words  | 7 PagesSimply put, energy is â€Å"a driving force behind all socio-economic activities†(Wesseh, Lin, 2016). Therefore energy is highly demanded and various sources must be used in order to meet the market’s needs. Within energy, there are two categories of sources: renewable and non-renewable. Renewable sources being naturally replenishable in the short term and non-renewable sources being exhaustible (Wesseh, Lin, 2016). Non-renewable energy sources include mainly fossil fuels and renewable energy resourcesRead MoreNew And Alternative Sources Of Energy1311 Words  | 6 Pages Today s society uses enormous amounts of energy. *The shadow of our presence on this planet is a result of generations upon generations of production and utilization of energy*. New and alternative sources of energy are being developed to replace the declining accessibility of coal and fossil fuels. Use of renewable energy is a key component in combatting the climate change that has become a major issue in the 21st century. Reducing our impact on the climate as a result of greenhouse gas emissions
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Early Encounters Between the American Indians and European...
The Native American s encounters with European colonists led to different interactions between the two, as well as a development of varied relationships. America had been home to Native Americans since around 13,000 B.C. The Europeans arrived in America around 1492 to find that the land was already inhabited. Before the Europeans arrived, the Native Americans had lived in harmony with nature and with each other in communities, having strong family ties. When the Europeans arrived, they held different values than the Native Americans. As the Europeans settled in New England, Chesapeake and New York/New France, these differences shaped the relationships between the Native Americans and the European colonists. In New England the first†¦show more content†¦Some frontier Indians maintained friendly relations with Lord Baltimore and Governor Berkeley, who monopolized fur trade. Settlers resented this trade and this caused hatred towards the Native Americans. Violence erupted when Maryland and Virginia militia accidentally killed the Susquehannocks leaders and fourteen tribe members. Small farmers were stressed with taxes and low prices on tobacco began a war against NativeShow MoreRelatedAmerican Colonies : The Settling Of North America902 Words  | 4 PagesSH â€Å"American Colonies: The Settling of North America†Introduction 1. Between 1492-1776, although many people moved to the â€Å"New World†, North America lost population due to the amount of Indians dying from war and diseases and the inability of colonists to replace them. John Murrin states, â€Å"losers far outnumbered winners†in â€Å" a tragedy of such huge proportions that no one’s imagination can easily encompass it all.†This thought of a decreasing population broadens one’s perspective of history fromRead MoreColonization Of The United States1074 Words  | 5 PagesColonization in America has demonstrated all of the US history themes of exploration, encounter and exchange in the Americas. From the beginning of colonization, in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, to the establishment of the first American colony, Jamestown in 1607, and to the creation of the thirteen colonies, there have been countless examples of exploration, encounter and exchange. The exploration of vast waters and unchartered territory l ed to new and undiscovered land and America being colonizedRead More European Settlements and the Decline of Indian Power in America1606 Words  | 7 PagesEuropean Settlements and the Decline of Indian Power in America What today is the state of Virginia used to be Native American lands. The Indians claim that God had given them the right to own and settle those lands. The problem as we have seen in class is the Europeans such as the Spanish and English came and took over the Native American land in the name of the King and /or Queen. They invaded their territory, and destroyed their culture, all in the name of conquest. What I intend to showRead MoreExploring The New World Essay1420 Words  | 6 Pagescenturies, the movements to explore the new world increased rapidly. Among them was the arrival of the early Europeans on Americas. Only in a few decades this arrival has changed the land and the people of the Americas both on the physical the non-physical outcomes. On the physical outcomes, within a few decades after the arrival of European Ships on October 12, 1492, successive waves of explorers and colonists slaughtered, raped, and exploited indigenous populations who were poorly equipped to resist theRead MoreCause Of The Pequot War830 Words  | 4 PagesThe Pequot War The Pequot War was a very bloody war during the early colonial period of the Americas and had a great effect on the Americas. However, it is what happened before the Pequot War that truly gives light to why it happened. Before the war, the New England colonies were expanding greatly, and this thusly caused the colonists to come into conflict with the indigenous people of the Americas (Meuwese, 2011). Preparing for a battle with the indigenous peoples, John Winthrop had prepared theRead MoreEssay Colonization of America607 Words  | 3 Pagescultures of the Europeans and Native Americans would prove to be fatal to the way of life that existed before European colonization. It appears that the majority of the actions of the Native Americans towards the new European colonists were in peace and acceptance. Unfortunately the colonists dreams conflicted with the views of the Native Americans. The ‘free living’ philosophy of the Native American’s left them open to an unexpected overtaking by the colonists. The Europeans believed in makingRead MoreIndians And Colonists Relations1234 Words  | 5 Pagesfor most Americans. The thought of war between the Indians and the early settlers creates an image of clashing cultures between the well-armed Europeans and the hand-crafted weaponry of the native Indians. We tend to have the perception that the early colonists came and quickly took away the land from the Indians but, in reality, the Europeans did not have this power. Though French explorers and English settlers had a different perception of land ownership than that of the Native Americans, the fateRead MoreWar Between Europeans A nd Indians1745 Words  | 7 Pagesfeelings of being superior, have infused relations between Native Americans and non-Natives in North America. Intertribal conflicts among the Indians, and nationalistic rivalries, lacking faith, and expansion desires on the part of non-natives worsened these tensions. The resulting white and native conflicts often took a particularly bad turn and resulted in the near destruction of the native people(Native American). War between Europeans and Indians was common back in the 1600s. In 1622, the PowhatansRead MoreThe Colonization Of America, Australia And Antarctica1054 Words  | 5 PagesDuring the 1400s, Europeans knew little of the world surrounding them. Outside of Europe and the Mediterranean, little was known, with rumors and imagination filling the gaps. They had no real concept of the size or shape of Africa and Asia and had no clue of America, Australia and Antarctica. Europeans began their explorations of the world starting in the late 1400s, with Columbus’ discovery of the Americas. Here, he discovered that this land was already inhabited and had been civilized for centuriesRead MoreChristopher Columbus Discovered The New World851 Words  | 4 PagesGolson, 2006, p.233). This was the first time European settlers came into contact with American indigenous people. Europeans were shocked and confused when observing the Native Americans. In Europe at this time, women were only t hought of as mothers who spent their days cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children. Native American women however were builders, craftswomen, healers, warriors, farmers, as well as mothers. Intermarriage between Native American women and male settlers, traders, and explorers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The standard of living is the measure of the material well being of the given population Free Essays
The standard of living is the measure of the material well being of the given population. This would include things such as your properties, motors, incomes etc†¦. it covers anything that can be given a monetary values and excludes those that cannot e. We will write a custom essay sample on The standard of living is the measure of the material well being of the given population or any similar topic only for you Order Now g. happiness or luck. The standard of living is measured mainly by the GDP per capita and focuses on incomes this provides a general guide to the well -being – materialistically of the population in question. If the GDP were increasing this would suggest that the population is better off, there is more wealth within the economy, one may assume there is fuller employment and people are spending more as more is produced. If people are thought to be better off one assume this to signify that people are happier but this is not necessarily true but as this cannot be measured it has to be sidelined. Health is another important factor which is difficult to identify within monetary terms however there are different statistics which can be produced e.g. number of doctors per hospital etc†¦ when the standard f living is measure if comparing over time it will be adjusted for inflation and dealt with in real terms. There is the issue of the PPP adjustment, which must be taken to account when comparing internationally as goods and service cost more and less in other nations depending on their own resources, labour markets, and performance. In Helsinki the spending on heating is likely to be much higher than in Andalusia but this does not indicate a difference in the standard of living it is simply misguiding. National GDP figures hide significant regional variations in output, employment and incomes per head of population. Within each region there are also areas of relative prosperity contrasting with unemployment black-spots and deep-rooted social and economic deprivation. We need to analyse the balance between consumption and investment. If an economy devotes too many resources to satisfying the short run needs wants of consumers, there may be insufficient resources for investment needed for long-term economic development. Faster economic growth might improve living standards today but lead to an over-exploitation of scarce finite economic resources thereby limiting future growth prospects. The principal problems with the GDP method are that it ignored the values of goods and services which are traded but left undeclared e.g. diy jobs and the black economy in some countries e.g. Italy the black economy is estimated to be near 35% and poses a great difficulty to governments trying to estimate the net income flow. It also fails to take into account the distribution of wealth e/g/ in Saudi Arabia the GDP is not particularly low but it is all concentrated among the hands of the wealthy sheiks and in parts there is extreme poverty because there is no ‘trickle effect’ of the capital throughout the society as it is maintained. Furthermore it doesn’t always take into account the improvements in technology for example 15 years ago a PC for $1000 will now be 10 times worse than one valued at $500 this is not because if increased living standard but change sin technology. Economic ‘bads’ can increase the figure of the standard of living, even thoug h the ‘quality of life’ has decreased. For example traffic jams cause more petrol to be consumed but increase the income and output of a county. Also the environment can be damaged in this case, but one person may hold a higher value for the environment than another. These valuation problems apply to health and defense the output of these does not have a market price but the value is determined by the cost of producing them. The quality of life can also be over o under valued because say we take longer holidays output and income may fall but happiness will increase, similarly a crackdown on pollution by rise the prices of supply and therefore consumption but make our lives intrinsically more happy. Another method of measuring the living standard of an economy could be to examine the consumer durables. Thee can be anything from cars to washing machines to nice houses to computers. It is theorized that the more of these items you own the higher your standard of living would be. E.g. a man with 2 Bentleys and a Rolls Royce compared to a man with two skodas and a ford fiesta will be assumed to have higher standard of living. However sometimes it is difficult to compare some durables for instance TV’s just because one is valued at more does it necessarily imply a better quality therefore even those who can afford it may not opt for the most costly. Also if I have seven flats in Norwich or one house in Kensington, which would make me, better off? Consumer durables also exclude savings and services, some people choose to accumulate their wealth as opposed to purchase consumer durables therefore it is not at all a clear indicator of the real standard of living. Compared to the GDP method it is extremely vague and inaccurate, the previous method is much more thorough and examines wealth in terms of cash and not goods for this latter method one needs to heavily account for consumer spending trends which can be extremely unpredictable. The third and final method is a non-monetary system of using the human development index. A measure of economic development The Human Development Report has been published by the United Nations each year since 1990. The report contains detailed statistical information on economic and social development indicators for virtually every country in the world. Among the hundreds of tables and charts we find the annual data on the Human Development Index and the Human Poverty Index. Both are simple measures of the extent to which living standards vary across countries. The HDI is constructed as an aggregate index of three components: education, income, and life expectancy at birth. The focus of the HDI is on the escape from poverty – defined as an HDI below 0.5. Here is a list of some of the social aspects that need to be considered o The number of patients per doctor – a measure of health provision in a country o Hospital waiting lists for important operations o The number of children per thousand of the population who die each year (infant mortality rates) o The average food intake per person (measured by average calorific intake) o The proportion of the population that can read or write – literacy rates o Average educational attainment at different age levels o Crime rates o Divorce rates These statistics should indicate what proportion of the population is enjoying a minimum standard of living although perceptions of what is needed for a basic quality of life vary. The figures could be misleading as in developing nations increases would imply better standards of living and more westernized countries would appear to be worse than they are. In conclusion I think the HDI is the best method to provide an overall picture of the economy and covers very many social aspects which are key to determining somebody’s quality of life. The GDP method is the most reliable statistically and most through but the problems outlined are particularly heard to overcome in particular that of the black economy. The consumer durable methods is extremely inefficient ad indicates of nothing expect consumer spending patterns. How to cite The standard of living is the measure of the material well being of the given population, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Social Reflection free essay sample
We were not coincidentally placed on this planet we know as earth to Just be. There is a greater, more profound reason we are here, Interacting with others, making friends we can identify as family, and impacting the lives of those we come in contact with. Although many may not realize It, we all have something unique to give. It may take someone their whole life to find their purpose, and some sadly manage to float through life without discovering theirs. Thankfully, I eave found mine early. . NET to my first yoga class. This Is a feeling I will never forget. Long story short, I enrolled In a 200-hour Instructor certification course the next summer, and my life was forever changed. I gained Insight no one acquires until his or her later life, and I recognized I had been extremely selfish and so wrapped up In my own stuff that I had no energy to serve others. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Reflection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One cannot give what they do not have, and if I did not possess love and happiness towards myself, how could I expect to exude these ululates, yet receive them in return?I believe through my instructor training, I found the purpose of my incredible, valuable life; to heal those who need healing, to comfort those who lack security, to provide compassion to those who are in need, to listen to those who have no one, and to strengthen everyone I come in contact with. In order to achieve my purpose, I began instructing more and more classes, and observing the participants. The affects the yoga practice provoked on them were extraordinary, enveloping myself with linings of incredible Joy and warmth. To provide others with insight and fortitude is one of the most moving experiences. I believe I will establish my own yoga studio in the near future, and I will do everything in my power to make it the best it can be. Once I obtain a goal, I will push myself to surpass even my high expectations, and work until I feel there Is nothing else to be done. Thankfully, I know my purpose, and I will never fall short of the responsibilities I feel come with it.
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